Monday, March 17, 2008

Northanger Abbey by Austen

Have to admit that my interest in this book was piqued by seeing the Masterpiece version of the book a few weeks ago. And then, someone, somewhere mentioned that Jane's humor here is quite sly... "She wasn't much of a heroine" vein is immensely funny here, and yet has the wonderful effect of making you see what a simple, appealing, & just plain nice & wonderful character Catherine is.

I'm having fun reading all the Austens. They're alike in tone (to some degree) but more & more I'm beginning to realize how witty, gentle, and fun they can be as well. I've always enjoyed her work, but never more than now, when I have the chance to read all of them at once.

No time to cook tonight, but I did eat some more of that guacamole & am planning on how to make it better. And it is a really good thing that the Obedience Trial I belong to is having their tracking test in about a month. That will give me the excuse I so badly need to make that wonderful Austrian Raspberry Shortbread recipe from Smitten Kitchen. It is really fabulous. Wait, I can make it for the reunion too! We have a family reunion coming up shortly (beginning of April) and the family should adore this one. I may even make those World Peace Cookies (Korova Cookies) too.


Lottery Girl said...

Hello Kim! It's me, Stephanie from the forum. I'm going to have to read some Jane Austen again. Funny that no matter how much you read, you still can't seem to get to all the classics.

I'm reading the Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. He was a favorite of my grandmother. His writing is spectacular, as is the plot. But I really wonder how many people today would read him. Everything is slower. Don't know that he would have passed the "firsts" test going on in Research and Craft right now. Funny, isn't it?

Kim Laird said...

I like Thomas Hardy too, but I admit he can take a while to get into & he's definitely darker in mood than Jane Austen is.

Makes you wonder how many of today's current writers will be read in years hence, doesn't it?